is this where i leave a question? i am so confused! anyways, i just saw this article in the NYT which got me thinking, what is YOUR song of summer2021? what makes a song "the song of the summer"? over the past 3ish years i have declared whatever the justin bieber/khaled bop to be my jam of the summer. here's a long ass url for that article. thanks! https://www.insider.com/best-summer-songs-ever-2017-7?campaign_id=167&emc=edit_ah_20210623&instance_id=33717&nl=at-home-and-away&regi_id=82021356&segment_id=61540&te=1&user_id=9a9441f61307b5e984f7794d94dda4a5

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Two questions: And the first one is so “typical”… but food is the great equalizer…. Last Meal”? And the one best quality about your wife? (I know there’s many, but pick one)

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